Saturday, July 25, 2020

All life really means all life, including millipedes. He has already been rehomed. 

This may be my favorite photograph of the year. 

I spent the day with some friends and it feels like forever since I've gone anywhere just to go. Do you remember going places just for fun? Taylor and I work together and she always tells me about her many adventures and I've always wanted to tag along and just document the whole thing. That's what I do, after all. Taylor is literally a genius and one of the coolest people I know and she makes everything fun. It was a good day.

Lately I've been realizing that someone’s time means more to me than anything else. Life is short and time is the most valuable resource any of us have to give. Just taking the time to go out of your way to say hi, or to message me just to catch up and see what I'm doing, or to make plans and spend the day with me tells me more than any of the actual words you use. What you do always speaks louder to me than what you say.

You make time for what you want to make time for. If you care, make the time for people who are important to you. It's way too easy to take time for granted.